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All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text strictly adheres to the MLA style (8th edition) and bibliographic requirements. For more information on MLA, please refer to the MLA Style Center website (https://style.mla.org/).
  • The article must be BLIND, meaning it cannot include any identifying information, such as your name or academic affiliation.
  • The submission is in a Microsoft Word file format.
  • Before submitting your article, please make sure that it complies with the following text preparation guidelines: https://romlpub.unc.edu/files/2019/10/HISP-Text-Prep.pdf Preparing your article based on these guidelines allows us to expedite and streamline the publication process, should your article be accepted.
  • You must include an abstract of 250 words or less with your submission metadata.
  • The submission must be no longer than 8,500 words in length, including all notes and works cited. Any articles submitted above the word limit will result in a request to adjust the word count.